how to reaffirm a mortgage after chapter 7

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Chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy allows for just such reaffirmation of mortgage debt. five-year repayment plan to catch up all delinquent mortgage debt. At minimum, it usually takes several weeks.

My understanding is that reaffirmation is a standard item to consider in Chapter 7 bankruptcy when the debtor wishes to. would depend on the value of the home and the amount of the mortgage at the.

If you reaffirm you are agreeing to be personally liable for the debt after the conclusion of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This means if you get in trouble and default after the bankruptcy not only can they foreclosure but the mortgage company can get a deficiency judgment and sue you to collect on it.

– Reaffirmation of debt is a voluntary agreement on the part of the debtor to keep paying his mortgage or other secured debts even after receiving a discharge order in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The Reaffirmation agreement is not required by the Federal or State laws or the US Bankruptcy Code.

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Why You Should Not Reaffirm Your Mortgage in Bankruptcy 1. Once the case is discharged, you cannot reaffirm. 2. There is no reason to reaffirm real estate. You can retain and pay. 3. File a Qualified Written Request with the lender for information that you need on the mortgage AND dispute the information on your credit report with the credit bureaus. Mr. Goldstein is a Virginia-licensed attorney only.

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– Should I Reaffirm My Mortgage Debt After Bankruptcy?. "Bankruptcy has given you the right to discharge a debt and no longer have to repay it," says Sam Tamkin, a Chicago-based real estate attorney, "If you are reaffirming that debt, you are agreeing to repay it.".

What does it mean to reaffirm your mortgage debt after bankruptcy? A reaffirmation agreement is a legal contract that states your promise to repay all or a portion of a debt from which you might have otherwise been released in a bankruptcy case. Reaffirming your mortgage debt means recommitting to the terms of the loan and promising to pay it.

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I filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy that was discharged in 2009. I was paying my second mortgage loan to the bank for four years without a reaffirmation agreement. I never missed a payment during that time.